Sangre de Cristo Seminary offers 5 program options, including:

  • Master of Divinity Degree
  • Diploma in Biblical Studies
  • Certificates in:
    • Christian Ministry
    • Old Testament Hebrew
    • New Testament Greek

Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Degree

The Master of Divinity degree has been designed to train students to effectively teach, preach, and minister skillfully from the Scriptures.  Prospective students, for this degree, must fulfill the prerequisite of having a bachelor’s degree in order to earn the M.Div. degree.   Students will become well-equipped to engage in Christ-centered, gospel ministry.  Graduates will fill their toolbelt with 105 semester-hours of knowledge and skills necessary to handle the primary aspects of theology, including:  biblical, exegetical, historical, pastoral and systematic.  

Diploma In Biblical Studies Program

The Diploma in Biblical Studies is earned through the identical program to that of the M.Div.  However, students enrolling in this program will not yet have earned a bachelor’s degree.  Admittance into this program requires that the prospective student be able to function at a high/collegiate academic level.  Solid reading comprehension skills and the ability to communicate well both orally and in writing are essential.  Upon completion of this program graduates are well-prepared for Christian ministry.  While SdCS is not an ordaining authority, our path of preparation has proven to be a great step forward toward ordination in many Reformed denominations.


The Diploma in Biblical Studies may be upgraded to a Master of Divinity.  Please refer to the Student Handbook for a description of how this may be accomplished.

Certificate Programs

The Certificates we offer are designed to give participating students a taste of aspects of ministry preparation.  These programs are essentially one complete semester (15-16 credit hours) of courses.  Here is a snapshot of the three certificate program requirements:


The Certificate in Christian Ministry is awarded to any student who completes one 15 credit-hour summer semester. This certificate is available in the Summer, 2024, and each summer thereafter. See our “Schedule” for summer courses offered this year.

The Certificate in Old Testament Hebrew is awarded to any student who completes the 16 credit-hour fall semester in an even-numbered year. (Criteria for Fall, 2024:  ET112 Hebrew, BT311 OT Survey I, PT812 Preaching/Teaching/Worship Seminar, and ET 612 Homiletics).

The Certificate in New Testament Greek is awarded to any student who completes the 16 credit-hour fall semester in an even-numbered year. (Criteria for Fall, 2025:  ET212 Greek, BT321 OT Survey II, PT812 Preaching/Teaching/Worship Seminar, and ET 622 Hermeneutics).

The High Calling

Sangre de Cristo Seminary

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