· Full-time (12 – 18 credit hours): $3,500 per each summer and fall semester
· Part-time: $275 per semester hour
· Audit: $165 per semester hour
· Spring Exegesis and Ministry: $330 per spring semester
*** Application Fee is $100 but is currently being waived
until March 31, 2024. Sign up now! ***
$200 – $300 per semester (approximately). Students are encouraged to consult their course syllabus for the text titles and edition recommended by the instructor. Online textbook acquisition is recommended through Amazon, Christian Book Distributors, or student’s choice of supplier.
Computers and Applications
Laptop and other portable computing workbooks are now essential for seminary work in the classroom and at home. Students will need a computer with the capability to perform word processing, presentations, internet searches, and biblical exegetical work. StepBible is available at no cost as a starter program for handling biblical languages. Logos, Accordance, and other fee-based applications can be beneficial for access to extensive libraries. Consult with instructors or fellow-students for a range of recommended applications. Computers should be equipped with WIFI access, camera, microphone, speakers, sufficient memory and hard-drive space.
Campus Use Fee
$85 per semester (non-resident students)
Family Housing
$450 and up per month
$250 per month (single student)
$200 – $300 per semester (approximately). Students are encouraged to consult their course syllabus for the text titles and edition recommended by the instructor. Online textbook acquisition is recommended through Amazon, Christian Book Distributors, or student’s choice of supplier.
Computers and Applications
Laptop and other portable computing workbooks are now essential for seminary work in the classroom and at home. Students will need a computer with the capability to perform word processing, presentations, internet searches, and biblical exegetical work. StepBible is available at no cost as a starter program for handling biblical languages. Logos, Accordance, and other fee-based applications can be beneficial for access to extensive libraries. Consult with instructors or fellow-students for a range of recommended applications. Computers should be equipped with WIFI access, camera, microphone, speakers, sufficient memory and hard-drive space.
Campus Use Fee
$85 per semester (non-resident students)
Family Housing
$450 and up per month
$250 per month (single student)
Students may be expected to pay for some utilities.
Our Work-Study Scholarship program is offered to full-time, in-person students. At the beginning of each semester students may accept a seminary community job requiring 2-3 hours of effort per week from our approved list. These scholarships, valued at 50% of that semester’s tuition, are awarded under the assumption that the work will be consistently and satisfactorily completed during that semester. One of those weekly hours may be used to communicate with family, friends, and church associates to encourage their support of the student. This program helps to keep fees and
tuition costs low and provides a greater sense of community. Remote students are not eligible to receive this scholarhip.
Sangre de Cristo Seminary offers 50% tuition scholarships to 3rd-year full time students enrolled in the Master of Divinity Degree or Diploma in Biblical Studies programs. Application for these scholarships is limited to students who plan to enter full-time professional Christian ministry following graduation or completion of their academic preparation. Recipients are encouraged in their preparation for gospel ministry. Eligibility is limited to students who earn a C average or better for each previous semester. If a recipient of the Ministry Tuition Scholarship does not enter the ministry, he will be obligated to pay back to Sangre de Cristo Seminary the value of this scholarship. Funds for this scholarship are made available through the charitable gifts of God’s people.
Donors may contribute to the seminary’s General Scholarship Fund which benefits the students. This fund is used to cover tuition or other direct seminary expenses. The Seminary Scholarship Committee makes awards at its sole discretion to the accounts of specific students from funds available. However, the Committee is forbidden by IRS Tax codes to direct awards to any named student’s account, nor give awards directly to any student, while the contributor is receiving a tax-exempt receipt for their contribution. Upon graduation, any unspent balance in a student’s account due to scholarship awards overage shall be returned to the seminary general fund.
Funding for Sangre de Cristo Seminary’s ministry expenses come primarily from donations of interested friends and churches. These contributions are tax-deductible. The Seminary is a tax-exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Code 501(C)(3) and, as required for tax-deductibility, maintains full control and ultimate discretion over all contributions for use in its ministry. The seminary strives to maintain the highest standards of integrity and accountability in every area of its ministry – including financial responsibility. The seminary financial records are maintained by an independent accounting firm, overseen by our board of directors, and are open for inspection by interested parties.
At this time Sangre de Cristo Seminary is not
accepting International students.
The seminary is in the process of renewing its arrangement to receive Veterans
Administration funding through the Colorado State Approving Agency.