Sangre de Cristo teaches a seminary curriculum, which is designed for those with a college degree. The Seminary does not prescribe a particular pre-theological curriculum to be taken in college. We recommend a basic liberal arts education emphasizing English composition and literature, Philosophy, History, Foreign Language(s) and Natural and Social Sciences. The School assumes that students have the basic skills in writing papers, grammatical construction, world history, and some public speaking ability. Students will be admitted who have not completed college, but it should be understood that such persons must be strongly motivated to study diligently in order to do acceptable work. For every hour in class, there will be approximately two to four hours of assignments.
To enroll, students are to fill out the Application for Admission. We require that students make a profession of Christian faith as summarized in the Apostles’ Creed and be willing to test every issue of faith and life by the Scriptures. Full-time student applicants will also need to have three letters of recommendation mailed to the school. One of these letters should be from the student’s pastor or a minister who knows the applicant. Another reference should be from someone who can attest to the applicant’s academic abilities or from an employer. The third reference can be someone who knows the applicant personally such as a friend or family member.
The application of a student must be approved by two members of the Core Faculty for admission. If a student’s application is denied because he does not meet the requirements for admission or does not agree to conform to the purpose and philosophy of the School, the applicant shall be notified in writing. That applicant may appeal such a decision to the entire Core Faculty and seek advice from the Core Faculty on what steps may be taken to be accepted. A member of the Core Faculty shall inform the applicant of the final decision and be available to counsel the applicant. The faculty member shall inform the denied applicant of schools to which he may apply, and where materials from those schools might be obtained. This School will admit and permit the use of facilities or privileges to any student without discrimination in any way on the basis of sex, race or ethnic background. Since the Scriptural, doctrinal, and ethical standards of this school would be compromised by an admission of students whose sexual orientation is directed toward members of their own gender the school discourages application for admission to anyone embracing homosexual orientation. Application for admission from someone with such orientation may be considered following an interview with the Core Faculty, repentance before God and forsaking such a lifestyle. Applications for enrollment should be submitted at least thirty days before a student expects to commence classes. If one plans to be a part-time student for a summer course, an application is requested thirty days before the particular class starts. Exceptions may be made to this policy if the classes are not filled. Those who have prior academic deficiencies should not let that discourage them from applying if they are presently motivated to diligently study God’s Word.
We request that students make a profession of Christian faith as summarized in the Apostles’ Creed and are willing to test every issue of faith and life by the Scriptures. This School will admit or permit the use of facilities or privileges to any student without discrimination in any way on the basis of gender, race or ethnic background.
A student may start at the beginning of a Summer or Fall semester and continue for three years to complete the cycle of courses needed for graduation with a Master of Divinity or Diploma. A student may come as a part-time student for whatever courses desired during the Summer or Fall semesters. If a part-time student decides to become a full-time student, it should be understood that it will probably take three years from the time he begins a full program to complete the program for graduation. The student is not required to repeat classes previously completed; however, due to the structure and schedule of the curriculum, it is unlikely a student would be able to complete all the requirements for graduation in less than three years.
Christian maturity and stewardship require responsibility to attend class regularly, participate in class discussion and complete course requirements. Class attendance is expected. Arrangements for absence from class due to illness or other emergencies should be made directly with the instructor. A student who is absent for 2/13ths or more of a course without permission of the Director or Core Faculty will be automatically dropped from the course. A student who is absent without permission for 2/13ths or more from half or more of the semester hours of the courses being taken will be disenrolled from the seminary. A student who is absent up to 4/13ths of a course with the permission of the Core Faculty may make up work that is missed. Such work must be completed within the semester of the absences. A student may be given permission for absences up to 4/13ths of a course for their own sickness or serious illness or death in their immediate family. If a student must be absent for more than 4/13ths of a class, even with permission, the course must be dropped and an “Incomplete” received as a grade. An unexcused absence is considered as absenting oneself without prior permission, regardless of the cause of absence, unless a student is physically unable to communicate with the School. Three tardies are equivalent to one absence. The individual student is responsible to obtain any material missed due to his absence or lateness to class.
There are three classes of full-time seminary students: Junior (first year), Middler (second year) and Senior (third year). An entering full-time student is a Junior. Upon completion of 34 semester hours with a grade average of “C” or above, a student becomes a Middler . After having completed 70 semester hours with a grade average of “C” or above, the student becomes a Senior.
A: 100 – 92
B: 91 – 82
C: 81 – 74
D: 73 – 66
F: 65 or below
CR: Credit
NC: No Credit
I: Incomplete
Note: A plus after a letter grade indicates the highest two percentiles of that grade, and a minus indicates the lowest two percentiles. At the discretion of the teacher, pluses and minuses are not required. During a student’s first year a “C” average or above must be maintained. During the second and third years a student’s average must continue to be “C” or above for each semester in order to graduate. The Core Faculty, with the student present, shall consider any student’s grades or progress which is thought to be unsatisfactory. If the Core Faculty so deems, a student whose grades or progress is unsatisfactory may be placed on probation for one semester. A student dismissed for unsatisfactory grades or progress may be readmitted after an absence of one year or more. A transfer student may have courses accepted by this institution which are equivalent to courses offered by this School and for which a “C” or above was earned. The instructor will give grades for each course to each student at the conclusion of that course. In order for students to graduate from the regular three-year curriculum, they must complete all the courses in the regular curriculum, with a total of 105 semester hours.
A course may be dropped until it is 1/3 completed without appearing on one’s transcript. After 1/3 of it is completed, if the student drops a course, an “Incomplete” will appear on his transcript. If a student drops a course without administrative approval after 1/2 of the course is completed, it will appear on the transcript as an “F.” Students who drop a course will receive a refund for whatever percentage of the course time remains.
A student who desires to transfer credits to this School must have an official transcript sent. Courses which have a grade of “C” or better and which are evaluated by the Administration as equivalent to courses in this School will be accepted in lieu of courses we offer. The student (and in cases of a veteran, the Veterans Administration) will be advised in writing of courses which have been accepted in transfer.
This School has been approved by the Colorado State Approving Agency for those eligible to receive VA benefits while a student here.
Students may have an unofficial copy of a transcript of their academic work done at this School at any time requested. An official transcript can also be sent to other institutions. A signed request by the student is needed for an official transcript to be sent to any other institution. A transcript will be issued only if the student has paid all outstanding bills to the Seminary.
Classes may be audited without credit with the approval of the professor teaching the course and the Director. The fee for auditing a course is $150.00 (see “Tuition and Financial Aid” under “Admissions”). Spouses of full-time students may audit courses without charge.