Our doctrine is founded on the Bible
The doctrinal position of Sangre de Cristo Seminary follows the tradition of the Protestant Reformation. This School is based upon the premise that the Scriptures are True and without error in their original form. Biblical Christianity dictates the philosophy of education of the school.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of the world and that apart from faith in His atoning work there is no redemption. The doctrinal statements as stated below are the basic presuppositions which shall dominate the classroom.
At all times the Scriptures are to be regarded as true, they are to be reverenced, and they are to be obeyed. Reading the Scriptures prayers and singing hymns and psalms are a regular part of seminary life.
We do not take a specific stand on the mode of baptism, form of Church government, or the sequence of events at Christ’s second coming.
Dr. Dwight Zeller on the Doctrinal Position of the Seminary
We believe the doctrines of the Scriptures as stated in the three ancient statements:
We also hold to those doctrines which are common to the…