Core Faculty
Dr. Dwight F. Zeller
Founder and Director Emeritus, Sangre de Cristo Seminary. Teaches Old and New Testament Exegesis.
Member: Rocky Mountain Presbytery, Presbyterian Church in America. D.Min., Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary; Th.M., Chicago Graduate School of Theology; M.Div., Memphis Theological Seminary; B.A., Bob Jones University. Retired United States Navy Chaplain.
Dr. Andrew S. Zeller
President, Sangre de Cristo Seminary. Teaches Preaching and Old Testament Hebrew.
Member: Rocky Mountain Presbytery, Presbyterian Church in America. D.Min., Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary; Th.M ., Covenant Theological Seminary; M.Div., Sangre de Cristo Seminary; B.A., Covenant College; C.P.E. Advanced Status. Pastoral experience and Retired Army Reserve Chaplain.
Rev. Ryan K. Reynolds
Dean of Students, Sangre de Cristo Seminary. Teaches Introductory Greek, New Testament Survey, and English Bible. Former pastor of Redeemer Christian Fellowship in Roswell, NM. D.Min candidate, Covenant Theological Seminary.
Adjunct Faculty
The Seminary brings adjunct faculty from around the nation to instruct in a wide array of biblical, historical, pastoral and systematic theology courses during the summer months. Those who have served the seminary within the past three years are:
Dr. Dominic A. Aquilla, President and Professor of Pastoral Ministry, New Geneva Theological Seminary. D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary; M.Div., Reformed Theological Seminary; B.A., Belhaven College. A prominent leader in the Presbyterian Church in America. Pastor.
Dr. Rollin J. Blackburn: Professor of Biblical Languages and Literature, Philadelphia Theological Seminary; Pastor. Ph.D. Temple University; M. Div., Philadelphia Theological Seminary; M. A., B. A., Temple University.
Dr. David W. Chapman: Associate Professor of New Testament and Biblical Archaeology, Covenant Theological Seminary; Ph. D., Cambridge (England); M. Div. and M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; B.A., Rice University.
Dr. Douglas L. Coyle, Senior Pastor, Grace Covenant Church (PCA); Ph.D. Baylor University; M.Div., Westminster Theological Seminary, CA; B.S. SanDiego Christian College; Church Planter.
Dr. Walter G. Cross III: Church Planting Missionary to Mexico. D. Min., Covenant Theological Seminary; M. Div., Covenant Theological Seminary; B. A., Columbia International University. Church planting missionary in Chile and Mexico City for 26 Years.
Rev. Luke Evans, Associate Pastor, Rincon Mountain Presbyterian Church, Tucson, AZ; M. Div. Westminster Theological Seminary; B.A., Baylor University.
Dr. Tony Felich, Senior Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church (PCA), Overland park, KS; D. Arts, Whitefield Theological Seminary; M. Div. Covenant Theological Seminary; B.A. Moody Bible Institute; D. Min. Candidate, Midwestern Baptist Seminary. Ordained Teaching Elder, PCA 1998.
Rev. Ron Graham, RPCNA Pastor (retired); M. Div., Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary; B.A. Geneva College.
Dr. Louis Hill: President, Reformed Discipleship Ministries; Adjunct Professor of Spiritual Life and Theology, New Geneva Theological Seminary; D. Min., M.A.T.S., Reformed Theo. Sem.; M. Ed., Auburn Univ.: B.A., Samford University. Conference Speaker, director of Navigator’s small town and rural network.
Dr. Mark House, Registrar and Professor of Biblical Studies, New Geneva Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary; M. Div., Westminster Theological Seminary; B.A. Biola University. Former Academic editor for Hendrickson Publishers; 25 years of pastoral experience; Bible College instructor in Ukraine.
Rev. Philip S. Kruis: Pastor, Rincon Mountain Presbyterian Church (PCA); Board President, La Vita House; M. Div. and Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy, Reformed Theological Seminary; B.A., Dordt College.
Rev. Ron Kruis: M.Div., Sangre de Cristo Seminary; M.A.C., New Mexico State University; B.A., Dordt College. Pastoral experience.
Rev. Randy C. Martin, Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church, (PCA); Former Biblical Studies Department Chair, Instructor in Ethics, Bakersfield Christian High School; M. Div., Covenant Theological Seminary; B.A. UCLA; Apologist and Writer.
Rev. Jeff Pate, Pastor, Riverwood Presbyterian Church, Tuscaloosa, AL; M.Div. Sangre de Cristo Seminary; B.Ed. in Choral Music, Auburn University; Church Music Director; Former Director of the Wet Mountain Valley Chorale.
Rev. Matthew Sexton, Pastor, Quinter Reformed Presbyterian Church.; M.Litt., University of Glasgow; M.Div., Sangre de Cristo Seminary; B.S., Colorado State Univ.